0 students enrolled
Last updated June 29, 2021


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Course Description:

This course is a study of the General Epistles. The life setting of each letter is highlighted. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles.

Course Objectives:

  1. * To enable the student to gain a greater understanding of the historical and theological settings of the General epistles .
  2. * To enable to become familiarize with the main themes of each epistle.
  3. * To enable the student to apply the truth of the Word of God in his or her life and ministry.


  1. Quizzes(30%)
  2. Final Exam(40%)
  3. Term paper (30%)

Write a 4 -6 page Bible study of a passage taken from an epistle of Paul. The passage should be about 10 to 15 verses long.

Due at the end of week 6.

Grading Scale:

Letter Garde Range Definition
A 90 -100 Excellent
B 80-89 Above Average
C 70-79 Average
D 60-69 Below Average
F 0-59 Failing

Required Textbooks

The Hayford Bible Handbook. Nashville, TN:Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004.
ISBN-13: 978-0785250395.



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