This course will challenge students to commit themselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission to “go make disciples of all the nations”. A step-by-step guide to disciple-making is proposed.
Course Description:
This course is a study of evangelism ministry with special attention paid to the context of a local church setting.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Know the essential content of the Gospel message, at least one method for communicating this message, and criteria for evaluating presentations of the gospel with respect to accuracy and effectiveness.
- Describe how an effective evangelistic program could be integrated into the total program of a local church structurally and systemically.
- List the essential content of a follow-up program and be familiar with at least two methods for communicating it.
- Define discipleship and design a discipleship plan for the local church.
Course Requirements
A. Technical Requirements
- Download and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome.
- The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.
B. Academic Requirements
- Lessons (15%): Complete the weekly lessons
- Quizzes (25%): Complete the weekly quizzes. Quizzes are based on materials from weekly lessons and reading assignments.
- Final exam(25%).
- Assignments (35%)
1- Write your personal testimony in 2-3 pages.(See Appendix 1, in The Art of Personal Evangelism, p.235)
2- On three different occasions, share the Gospel with at least three different people.If at all possible, do this evangelism under the observation of an experienced student or layperson.
3- Summarize “The Complete Book of Discipleship” by Bill Hull and “Church Evangelism” by John Mark Terry into a 3-5 pages Evangelism Plan for your congregation. The plan should (1) aim at getting everybody involved in Evangelism, using different evangelism methods or activities(2) incorporate a church-wide discipleship plan.
Grading Scale
A = 94-100 Excellent
B = 84 – 93 Above Average
C = 74 – 83 Average
D = 64 – 73 Below Average
F = 63 & Below Failure
Required Textbooks

The Art of Personal Evangelism
Will McRaney
Best Price $3.39
or Buy New $14.85

The Complete Book of Discipleship
Bill Hull
Best Price $10.84
or Buy New $14.87

Church Evangelism
John Mark Terry
Best Price $8.95
or Buy New $25.91